Sunday, October 14, 2007

Adios Amigo...... for now

It's been a long time since I blogged last and I decided now was as good a time as ever to do so. I am out of Obstetrics and Gynecology for now... have been for quite some time in fact.. about a month and a half to be exact. And the feeling is.... YEAH! Much like the way James Hetfield says it. Things were interesting in the beginning, but towards the end they became...well, scary. We had some women who would just bleed like crazy on the table after a c-section, with nobody willing to donate blood. And some deaths... really sick patients.

I am working in the department of Pediatrics now. And I seem to love it. At least you have patients who look at you and smile when you give them that clown face... and you can do a lot of things you cannot dream of doing with other patients... like holding them against your chest and listening to their heart, for instance. And that's not all. You don't have to listen to the constant drone of complaints that can sometimes get annoying, like the woman who said, " I still have that tingling on my little toe that I mentioned to you during my last visit.. And not one medicine you gave me seems to work.." ...not that softly, here in Raxaul, and at the end of seeing one hundred women that day you feel like saying, " I thought you were here to make sure that your baby in there was doing okay."
Of course I am overlooking the occasional child who screams on seeing you. Or the over anxious parents, occasional again, where the above mentioned drone sounds more like a twin engine.

My current work involves doing emergency calls and receiving sick babies born in the labor ward and OR... feels better to be on the other side of the operating room. There is so much to learn and it feels good.

Here are a couple of interesting things I came across in the last few weeks of my Obs and Gyne posting.

Another of those bad obstetric history charts.

This is hilarious!

One of my patients had already taken this wonder drug. Here's what the label says... since the photograph is more a strain to the eyes than anything else...
An easy way of birth Control
One capsule is sufficient to avoid conception for one year. 52 capsules are enough to prevent whole life conception without any side effects. A harmless medicine and no bad effects on health. Followed by directions and then,
Caution: After taking this capsule, sex in indulgence should be aboided atleast for one month.
I forget what she presented with, but it was nothing major. The whole thing is kind of scary because it probably torpedoes the ovaries. Sterile for life with no side effects. Found that really funny.

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